International Webinar on Moslem Youth

Antasari State Islamic University Banjarmasin, Yayasan Nur Semesta Jakarta and Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture proudly present International Webinar on “Youth and Spritual Values Under the Light of the Quran Lessons from Said Nursi’s Works”.
Opening Speech:
- Dr. Nida Mufidah, M.Pd (Vice Rector of Students Affair and Partnership UIN Antasari Banjarmasin)
- Dr. Said Yüce (Chairman of the Executive Board of Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture)
Keynote Speech:
Prof. Dr. Mujiburrahman, M.A.
Rector of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
- Prof. Dr. İsmail Latif Hacınebioğlu
University of Istanbul - Dr. Osman Yapar
Dhofar University Oman
Siti Muflichah, Ph.D
Lecturer of UIN Antasari
Will be held on:
Tuesday, December 15, 2020,
start at 13:00 Jakarta (GMT+7) / 14:00 Banjarmasin (GMT+8)
Via Zoom Meeting,
Link :
ID Zoom : 811 511 2020
Password : lightquran
and Live Streaming on Channel Youtube : UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
E-Certificate for participants is provided.
Registration Form :
Contact Person:
Sandi Rosyadi (+6281253539509)